Array - Two Sum (Easy)
2024년 10월 8일 작성
This article is about how to solve a common PS problem step-by-step. Let's get start!
FYI: 표현 in the middle of the article is a note for helpful expressions in the coding interview.
Step 1: Verify the constraints
- Are all the numbers positive, or can there be negatives?
- Can there be negatives in the array?
- Are there duplicate numbers in the array?
- Will there always be a solution available?
- What do we return if there’s no solution?
- Can there be multiple pairs that add up to the target?
- No, only one pair of numbers will add up to the target → then we just have to find one pair of indices.
Step 2: Write out some test cases
- [1, 3, 7, 9, 2], t = 11 → the answer should be [3, 4].
- In this particular case, the answer that we return will be three and four, which represent the indices.
Now, we need to think about those other different test cases or edge cases where we might receive an array and a target where there is no possible solution. So let’s do that now.
- [1, 3, 7, 9, 2], t = 25 → null
- The first thing that we want to think of is to repeat this same array one, three, seven, nine, and two, except our target is 25.
- We know that there is no possible answer inside this array where there are two numbers that add it.
- (empty array), t = 1 → null
- Another different edge case (that also captures this null case) is going to be what happens if we receive an empty array as well as any target value.
- In this case, we’ll also return null because there are not even two values to add together.
- [5], t = 5 → null
- For the array having one element, we’ll also return null.
- [1, 6], t = 7 → [0, 1]
- Maybe we just figured out a really obvious answer where there are only two numbers inside of the array we receive, and the target is going to be the sum of those two values.
- Then, we can return [0, 1] as the answer.
So, this is enough for our edge cases, I think. (to help us actually start coming up with the solution.)
Step 3: Figure out a solution without code
This is a very crucial step because what we’re doing here is thinking about coming up with a working solution before we get bogged down by any technical details. Think of a working logical solution for how I might solve this question if I am just asked this question out of the blue.
- Well, the most obvious way is to try every single possible combination of pairs that exists inside the array.
- What we can do is we would think if I want to try out every single possible pair of numbers.
- We can easily get a solution by keeping track of a number and iterating other numbers → We’ll be using two-pointer
Two Pointer
- the value of [pointer]: The value that is indicated by the pointer
- [array name] at [pointer]: The value at the index of the array (?)
- reach to the end of the array = hit the end of the array
You initialize one pointer. that points to some value
I want to test every possible combination that involves the value of .
I will use this formula to know whether or not we have the correct pair.
- The number we’re looking for is equal to our target minus the value of
- Then, we just traverse the array with and check if the value of is equal to
Three is equal to ten? No, it’s not. So we want to move forward by one.
- 마찬가지인 값일 때: So we can move forward once again.
- 끝까지 도달했을 때: So we’ve reached now the end of the array. There’s no more numbers to test. → What this means is that there is no possible solution where one is part of the pair that add up to the target value.
- So what we do is that we move forward and reset as well.
We have found the position of the pairs that we need.
- and , which of course if going to be equal to three and four. And this is our working solution.
- The answer is going to be [ , ]
Step 4: Write out our solution in code
Writing a brute force solution
class Solution {
public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
if (nums.length() < 2) {
return null;
for(int p1 = 0; p1 < nums.length() - 1; p1++) {
int numberToFind = target - nums[p1];
for(int p2 = p1 + 1; p2 < nums.length(); p2++) {
if (nums[p2] == numberToFind) {
return new int[]{ p1, p2 };
return null; // no solution
Step 6: Test our code with our test cases
- The loop closes, we reach the end of this
loop and we now end this iteration.
Step 7: Analyze Time & Space Complexity
Time complexity
→ Quadratic time complexity
is not the best for our given problem.
Space complexity
→ Constant
How can we optimize the time complexity?
Space complexity is the best, and this can be a good hint that maybe you can consume more resources in the one that’s much better.
In this case, we can utilize more space in order to bring down the time complexity.
Step 8: Optimize our solution
Now, when we’re trying to figure out what each for loop is doing, we want to keep track of it on the side just so that we understand what’s happening.
So logically, what this first for loop does is initializes some pointer and using it calculates the numberToFind
, and this is being the opposing pair.
So here we can see that what first-loop doing is really just figuring out the opposing numberToFind
value that we need.
second for loop compares the value at the array. So nums
at and it checks if it’s equal to numberToFind
But let’s think about the second for loop. The only reason we need the second for loop at all other than to perform the check is because our numberToFind
only lives in this instance iteration of the for loop.
We don’t actually keep this number to find value once moves on because we recalculate it. → This is very wasteful.
Instead, what we want to do is to leverage a hash map in order to store this somewhere so that our can move on without having to do all of these additional checks.
Let’s utilize hash map.
I’ll store numberToFind
as a key, and the index as value.
class Solution {
public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) {
Map<Integer, Integer> numberToIndex = new HashMap<>();
for(int p = 0; p < nums.length; p++) {
int number = nums[p];
if (numberToIndex.containsKey(number)) {
return new int[] { numberToIndex.get(number), p };
numberToIndex.put(target - number, p);
return null;
What I missed
Map 은 put
이랑 get
메서드를 사용한다.